How to install magento ecommerce in under 10min

In this megento ecommerce installation guide I will focus on showing you how to install complete magento system under 10 minutes.

1. Down magento latest full release.

2. Download server compatibility check to see if your server meets requirements. Put the file in webserver root and run https://localhost/magento-check.php

3. Move downloaded magento archive file in my case “magento-” to the webroot (/var/www) and extract the file:

sudo tar jxvf magento-

4. Now you files are extracted to the folder magento/. Change directory to magento and now set right permissions.

chmod o+w var var/.htaccess app/etc
chmod -R o+w media

5. Create a MySQL database either by MySQL client or PhpMyAdmin. I will create one using my MySQL command line tool.

create database magento;

6. Now download Sample Data from here and extract it somewhere on the server.

7. Edit your magento_sample_data_for_1.2.0.sql file and put this line at the top:

use magento;

This will tell the import script to import sample data into magento database.

8. Import sample data from command line to your database like this:

mysql -u root -p < magento_sample_data_for_1.2.0.sql

9. Now move the media folder into magento site:

mv magento-sample-data-1.2.0/media/* magento/media/

10. Make sure to set permissions on the media folder (/var/www/magento/)

chmod -R o+w media

11. Now you can begin installation of your magento ecommerce site.


12. That’s all folks. 😉