Aptana remote won’t remember password

This is really annoying. My Aptana remote won’t remember passwords for my sites. I’ve come up with easy solution. Finally I’ve found the problem for this bug. Although I updated Aptana to latest release and they state that this issue would have been solved, it is not. Actually the problem is that Aptana remote will … Read more

How to remove Powered By OpenCart

Powered By OpenCart is a language variable located in footer.php language file. Edit the file /catalog/language/-yourlang-/common/footer.php and remove the text before the first %s in the variable $_[‘text_powered’] That’s it 😉

OpenCart: How to move search field to top menu (content_top.tpl)

Please read this article to learn how to easy move search field to another part of your page. In my case I will move it to my custom menu. First you need to copy the code for the search form from: /catalog/view/theme/-yourtheme-/template/common/header.tpl Code: <div id=”search”> <div class=”button-search”></div> <?php if ($filter_name) { ?> <input type=”text” name=”filter_name” … Read more

Make username field active when entering the admin login page

OpenCart already uses jquery so all you need to is to pass focus() function to input username to make it focus on the username field. Here is how to do it. Open the following file in your favorite php editor: /admin/view/template/common/login.tpl and copy/paste this code: Code: $(document).ready(function() { $(“input[name=username]”).focus(); });

How to disable dashboard on your Mac and Why

As you know your dashboard is started at system startup which means it consumes extra power of your macbook. If you don’t use dashboard like me you better disable it. Your battery will last longer and you’ll save some memory resources. To disable dashboard fire up your terminal and type this: defaults write com.apple.dashboard mcx-disabled … Read more

Twitter custom share button

Let your visitors share your content fast and easy by implementing your own twitter share button. Here’s how the code looks like: Code: <a href=”https://twitter.com/home?status=Currently reading https://www.example.com/post-url” title=”Click to share this post on Twitter”>Share on Twitter</a> Tip: Replace “Currently reading https://www.example.com/post-url” with your own content and URL.

Facebook custom share button

Here is en example code on how to make a custom facebook share button. Code: <script>function fbs_click() {u=location.href;t=document.title;window.open(‘https://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=’+encodeURIComponent(u)+’&t;=’+encodeURIComponent(t),’sharer’,’toolbar=0,status=0,width=626,height=436′);return false;}</script><a href=’https://www.facebook.com/share.php?u=<url>’ onclick=’return fbs_click()’ target=’_blank’><img src=’SOURCE_TO_YOUR_IMAGE’ alt=’facebook’ title=’Share on facebook’ /></a></script>

Close prettyPhoto window from an iframe

Around the forums has been discussed on how to close prettyPhoto modal from within an iframe. I’ve tried many of solutions posted there without success. Here’s one solutions on how to do it. To close prettyPhoto from an iframe just call the following: <script type=”text/javascript”> parent.eval(‘$.prettyPhoto.close()’); </script>

How to securely copy from one remote server to another

To copy files from a remote location to another remote location you can use a command line utillity scp. Example: scp -r local_folder/ remote_user@www.remotehost.tld:/home/username/backup_folder/ If you want to copy all files in local_folder directory just add a jokder (*) like this: scp -r local_folder/* remote_user@www.remotehost.tld:/home/username/backup_folder/