Chroot into linux partition

Every linux administrator should learn how to chroot into another linux system that needs maintenance or rescue. We take as an example that your computer crashed after an update and now it is booting into busy box. After you type dmesg command you realise that your computer was not able too mount root partition and … Read more

Nice and easy LAMP install on Ubuntu 10.04

This is the way to install PHP, MySQL and Apache on one command line: apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql phpmyadmin php5-ffmpeg php5-gd php5-curl /Good luck! 😉

Packages you need to get php5-ffmpeg working

Users mail me often with qestions like can you give me the list of packages that are needed to successfully convert video to flash with PHP. Here’s the list of packages you need to install to get it work: sudo apt-get install php5-ffmpeg ffmpeg flvtool2 mencoder lame

Copy files over SSH

If you like me somethimes need to easily transfer files from one server to another there is a nice utilty that does the job for you.The command line peace of software is called scp (secure copy). As usual we take en example case. Say for example you want to transfer backup.tar file from your remote … Read more

Install Microsoft Windows fonts on Ubuntu

The most of today webpages are built with fonts that referes to Arial and Verdana. These fonts are included in Microsoft Windows OS and ubuntu has a package called msttcorefonts that needs to be installed before you can use fonts like Arial, Verdana, Georgia, Trebuchet, Webdings etc.1. Install Windows fonts on your Ubuntu system Fire up your … Read more

Personskydd med ett personlarm

Nano Personlarm

Ett personlarm är ett larm som bärs av en person som är i behov av extra personsäkerhet. Fördel med ett personlarm är att de är lätta, tåliga och små i storlek. Således är de lätta att gömma då det är viktigt att ett personlarm inte “skriker” utåt att det rör sig om ett personlarm utan … Read more

Installing locales on your Ubuntu server


If your PHP script does not display textual representation of week, day and month in your native language it could depend on locales. First of all test to write the following code in your PHP script: /* Set locale to Swedish – change sv_SV to your ountry code */setlocale(LC_ALL, ‘sv_SV’);/* Output: fredag 22 december 1978 … Read more

Infinite blink fade loop effect with jQuery


This article will show you how easy it is to make an object fadein and out forever. 1. Create a HTML file and in the <head> section include the following code: <script type=”text/javascript” src=”jquery-1.3.2.min.js”></script><style type=”text/css”>.box {border:1px solid black;background:gray;padding:10px;}</style> 2. Now in between <body></body> tags copy and paste the code below: <div class=”box”>This is a box</div><script … Read more

Track your visitors by GeoIP – Part 2

This article is continued from Part 1. Warning: geoip_record_by_name() [function.geoip-record-by-name]: Required database not available at /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat. in /var/www/test.php on line 3 1. As you see in the warning above tells us that we need to install GeoIPCity.dat 1. Install cities wget GeoLiteCity.dat.gzsudo mkdir -v /usr/share/GeoIPsudo mv -v GeoLiteCity.dat /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat 2. Search for geoip_record_by_name() … Read more